It's Friday and it is also a blessed day as it's the Nuzul Quran break. Everyone whom is working in Selangor was given a public holidy and took this opportunity to do their Raya Shopping.As for me,who is working in Putrajaya (it's under Federal Territory) it's just another working day and since it's friday,we have longer hours for lunchie so me and my bestie Anis decided to go to the nearest Jaya Jusco to checkout some items for us to bake cookies and also some Raya decorations...Anis has a specialty in baking batik cheese cake and me,i'm not so into baking actually. It seems that my little sister has sharpen her baking skills rather than me because eventho i learned pastry but i prefer cooking than baking.
Anyways we went to Equine Park to shop a little for the impending Hari Raya. We decided to avoid going to Alamanda for once because of the massive traffic jam. We had a near-cuak (nervous to the max) experience as the Atm Machine has digested our card. Just imagine we were happily trying to withdraw our money and later it it is stated there 'out of service'. I was thinking whether is it a sign that we have to stop shopping already, because we actually had done a few purchases and later headed to the Atm machine for more cash...hehehe Yes,we are an impulse shopper indeed...We can be out of control when it comes to spending...Btw The customer service reported that due to the Selangor's public Holiday,the Atm system has gone haywire so it's congested and shall forward the card to Putrajaya branch...Thank goodness that they acknowledge their fault....
Btw Raya songs are blasting off everywhere,and sometimes it saddens me to here certain songs..Especially 'Pulanglah' by Aishah...I can't explain why but you guys go figure...I'm not done yet shopping but always remind myself to be extra economy in Spending...Insya Allah i will try to do that~
Btw Raya songs are blasting off everywhere,and sometimes it saddens me to here certain songs..Especially 'Pulanglah' by Aishah...I can't explain why but you guys go figure...I'm not done yet shopping but always remind myself to be extra economy in Spending...Insya Allah i will try to do that~

Anis loves this Pink Pelita (lamp)
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