In the midst of Eid,my nephew was pumped up by the idea of playing 'bunga api'...There's all sort of fireworks bought by my brother in law but some which is too dangerous to play within the neighbourhood. As they have major Pipes that needs to work on a better ground such as at Kampung area...hehhe How i miss those days when we get back to our Village in Batu Pahat and my Uncle blasting off Pipes they have...Super ones,but not meriam buluh as that's definitely gonna jeorpardize and makes us feel like livin in battle field. whoa~
Me and my sista decided to play 'bunga api' with Anis and had a blast doing it even in our compound...hehhe Btw as you can see,Anis was scared of the fire spikes and played it in that position,looks like nak kacau makanan jer...nak kacau dodol ek? Lol!!
makcu! bunga api! makcu main bunga api yeah? jauh-jauh. jangan kena kaki.
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