Sunday, 19 September 2010

My First Bonus from HaI-O~

Just when i'm about to go broke during this time around,yeah i must admit that i am kindda cash poor these few days hehe Not only me but i can also see amongst my Peers that have been seen eating maggie mee,phone being barred,crashing in Open Houses (sounds familiar),or using their angpau (or their kid's) duit raya just in the name of survival huhu...
Yes it's suffocating for me as well,as for government servant like me we have to wait till 23rd of this month for our next payment,which seems like Eternity for some.Alhamdullilah on my Bday, i received an envelope that i've been anticipating for. Yay! it's my first 'Bonus' from Hai-O. It's great to earn my own Duit Raya and hope that i'll Spend it Wisely. Thanks to Hai-O, my financial woes has been solved during this month of Raya.


cheque for moi


and also for Chaotic Mummy whom i sponsored



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Girl Illustration Copyrighted to Dapino Colada