Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Open House at CDM Kak Ida's~

On Saturday i attended my biz partner Cdm Kak Ida's Open House in Mutiara Gombak. Eventho i got lost (hopeless in using Garmin,hehe) i managed to arrive there safe and sound and mingle with the rest of my biz partner. Since i just joined this group mid of Ramadhan, but it seems like i know them for ages.
There are absolutely no Barrier,whatsoever amongst all of us despite them being CDMs (Crown Diamond Manager) n all,they treat me just like Sisters.
Me with my beloved Leader of the Pack (CDM Kak Azie)
Me with Cdm Lynda Arif (some ppl say that we look alike)hehe
*That's a Compliment,cuz i look like a CDM~*wink*wink
The bubbly Yana,never fail to crack me up with her joke
Chillin after full n contented

Me helping myself out

Kak Ida's Marvellous Soup Tulang, n Nasi Briani cooked by Kak Ida's Hubby

Delish Carrot Cake, i love this cake the Cream Cheese is Rich~

Carrot Cake arranged by Yana,hehe
Abg Soffee whom is an expert in Hands-on,Helping me out on my Slide Presentation
All of us,just like a Family~ (Abg Soffee on extreme right is CDM Kak Azie's Hubby)
Yes!! This Business is Definitely a Family Oriented Biz Peeps~
*Btw yeah,it's obvious I am that short huhu* No Heels to cover up,i should've squad down instead~duh!



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