Sunday, 12 September 2010

Raya with my Bestie,Nieta~

Me and Nieta chillin at our fav place to gossip,her bed...hehe

I walk down memory lane and reminiscence those days when i would be celebrating Raya at Au2 Keramat which is my former residence before our family move to Shah Alam in Year 2003. One of the houses in the neighbourhood that has its door wide open for me is definitely my friend Nieta's house as most of the other neighbours will be back to their hometown and thus that would be the first house for me to barge into.hehe Yes we share the same notion, that Kampung saya ialah Kuala Lumpur~ huhu

Nevertheless fast forward few years later, it is still gonna be one of the first early houses that i would be visiting during this occasion. Me and Nieta grew up here together and this neighbourhood is totally like our playground...It's been more than 15 years,yup since i got back from United Kingdom when my dad studied there till late 80's that was when i get to know this friend of mine. We became inseparable eversince.
We bond together and our friendship develops and were the ones whom have abundance of memories since childhood and teenagehood,as we shared a lot of gory details n secrets together and as puberty hits we survived first crush,first love and first break-ups (yes it's plural) together. Yikes!!!

As i am rediscovering singledom, i need to confess that sometimes i do receive some uneasy hit-ons from the opposite sex that sometimes give me the creeps.

One of em was a person whom actually met me via facebook. He was one of my friend Nieta's mutual friend and has added me.So with no hesitation i accepted as i can recall Nieta has like lotsa kewl friends whom are No Freaks. The So called friend later than started sending messages to me it was a brief message,a normal one asking bout my preparation for the approaching Raya.

When i inform my friend Nieta she went ballastic knowing that that dude has been saying he was busy and have no time to even facebooking (yada yada)...As she recalls that is how the chronology started..Before that he actually has confessed his feelings to Nieta (to the extent impending to marry her) and can you believe it that later he tried to hit on me behind her back? I was utterly surprise to learn that that particular person is tryin to Cheat on my Best Friend,With her Best Friend? Are you Kidding Me?

At first,when he asked for my BB Pin i learned it's sort of a harmless Flirtation thing going on and btw it's gonna be BBM and if he PingChat me i can always go idle,and since it's Harmless it's gonna be alrite and later he ask me out,went out station and calls me from there (from Bangkok) and he also send a thoughtful and caring messages. (And never even ask to persuade Nieta to take him back or even mentioning about his relationship with Nieta)...When Nieta confronted, he said he have the right to do that as it would be no issue if he would want to marry Nieta and also Marry me? Omg wt*? I was infuriated with this type of man but felt relieved when my friend told me it's Over between them.She definitely deserves better than that JERK. Totally!!!

Why do men cheat in the first place? I discovered one of the reason is because they can (very obvious) and because The Lights are on. So i need to turn it off...I didn't reply to his messages,i didn't answer his phone calls and he even bbm me a certain doc which is kindda gross and i cancel it straight away. That's the least i can do and also to tell my friend off,to get rid of this Jerk...Real Fast~

Me and Nieta have been friends for ages,and she is the one whom is Brutally Honest with me and have a head strong personality eventho i am more on the softie side but we really get along pretty well. And both of us would definitely try to not piss each other so much (yes sometimes we argue..that's normal rite) but i would never in a million years hurt my Best Friend...Love you darl and i will always remember the Sweetest thing you said to me, 'I Love you More than my Boyfriend' hehe I Love you More too!!! (Since i have no Boyfriend...)It's gonna be I Love You More.Period. hehe

Btw since it's the month of forgiving and acceptance,from the bottom of my heart i would like to apologise to those whom are offended by this Post*...Have a Merry Raya!!~



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