Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Pot Luck n Tan Sri Rozali's Open House

Last friday, it was actually my first friday at the new Workplace. Being a newbie and all i feel excited to mingle with the new circle of officemates. On that day they planned on doing a Pot Luck. I treated them with Kuah Lodeh,which was my speciality during Raya. There were a lot of goodies brought from my colleague some are homemade and some are tunjuk
tunjuk item.. hehe
me helping out organising the food
Posing Maut!!! Tinie,our EO

my own kuah Lodeh
Cookies Delight and Desserts
Yummy Cream Caramel made by Zira colourful pudding
food as presented on the table ,the pantry is huge and you can even dance Poco-poco here... Me and my New Colleagues

After work that very same day,i attended Tan Sri Rozali's Open House in Taman Tun Dr Ismail..My Bestie Nieta used to work with Tan Sri whom is a famous Entreprenuer in Malaysia before she runs her own Catering Business as she was hired during that Show 'Kalibre' -it is like Apprentice show whereby Tan Sri acts as Donald Trump...I totally admire Nieta's PR Skills and would like to inculcate that as i need Major Grooming and exposure for the benefits of my own Hai O Business. Other than that,of course i was there for the food. huhu

variety of food at the buffet spread
sinful desserts
My main course,Grilled Lamb..Yum~ and also the Keropok lekor

Nieta lookin smokin hot in Pucci designed dress

Me with Tan Sri's younger daughter (very down to earth and sweet)

Me with Puan Sri Faridah

Two Besties



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