Monday, 6 September 2010

My Raya Shopping Spree~

I'm finally done doing my Raya Shopping. It was a rather exciting one,as i've downsize and trying outfit seems like a walk in a park...Yay!!! I can fit in some of the clothes in size S and i also went to Levi's and try out it's Demi Curve Id Jeans and found out an unexpected size that fit me perfectly.

my procurement of the day

i've been considering to go black for this year, ok tak?

Red Mimie hehhe ~ red and black baju kurung for Hai'O Event, Insya Allah~

bling bling heels from em

And last but not least, i've ordered a very delish pineapple tart from Ayu Yummy indeed kena simpan kt peti besi,takut habis...

2 jars of it seems not enuff...hmmm

ada heart shape,sgt comel~


f said...

the heels looks so sex and the city! like manolo blahniks!


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