Thursday, 23 September 2010

My Id Now n Then~

Since i just moved to a new office premise i was told by the management to give my picca to make a new Id tag. Most of my new colleagues noticed the difference from my previous Id. Can you spot any difference?
This is me before: Year 2004, round and full (weigh like 75 kilos)-
At that time before joining the Government i stayed at home tanam jagung for one year, cooking food and eating my heart out~huhu
And Now

Me now (still have my cheekbones - tp dagu tirus skit..hehe) Weigh at 59 (yeah still workin on my bottom part) -

Not only you can slim down,even your face can be transformed from extremely chubby to less chubby after using Premium Beautiful for 2 months.


Caca on 23 September 2010 at 17:49 said...

1. Deprive from misery Vs Happy
2. Aged than age Vs Young
3. Chubbs plus fat Vs Thin and healthy!!!

A good shot in your decision on you know what....

linda on 30 September 2010 at 00:37 said...

so different...:)
u look so beautiful...
another few kilo to be? hehehe


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