Anyways, on that day my close male friend named Roslee,whom i haven't met for ages (his absence was due to certain circumstances) saw me after three months and was quite awed with my my new look. He actually thought i was someone else and asked me whether i went for 'liposuction'...Lol!! It is definitely awesome for people to see results, and eventho i haven't reach my dream weight yet,but i am quite there...Absolutely with the the help of PB.

Me giving out an impromptu farwell speech
A token of appreciation from the Division,given by Mr Choy Lup Bong,the Undersecretary of BDHA
with my Deputy Undersecretary,Pn Hamidah whom has given me a lot of Motherly advice during my service here~
with my ex colleague
with roslee my close male buddy here

Cc Asmah one of the PB User

Renny too is one of my PB User (She seems impressed with my tummy,lol!!)
Me with Herda and Marianty this Raya
Just have a look at last Raya's picca peeps...At this time i was taking Herbalife but i still eat n eat. With PB you can still eat,but it acts as your Key Performance Indicator...I never diet or starve myself to death! Excellent rite?
Me with Herda during Deeparaya 2009
me with Osama, Herda n Roslee,Happy with my body that time? NOT!!!
Lovin my new look? Thanks to PB, i am rockin that body now~ I know after Raya everyone is complaining on their Weight gains and looking for Solutions to shed those kilos...It works for me,why not y'all give it a try! What are you waiting for? Gimme a call at 019-3750979 for Measure Ups Appointment~
this what i mean that day. wow...seriously...seriously pink. :) Oopppssss i mean u look so slim, stunning, georgous, pinkylicious etc..etc. Adooiiii tak bley habis list nih.
Mie, mmg gorgeous!!
U look soooooo beautifulllllll.
Thanks y'all for the Compliments and advice for my blog. :) You guys are the best!!,I am blessed to be able to embark on this journey with y'all!!! Fight for Perth kay,All the best!!
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