Friday, 20 August 2010

Tagged by Chaotic Mummy~

My sister Aishah,a.k.a Chaotic Mummy has just started blogging. She is a rookie in blogging world and also in motherhood and that is what her blog Chaotic Mummy is all about.... The Object of affection in it is absolutely none other then the apple of her eye Ammar...

My adorable nephew Ammar, Ammar hearts Mummy too,
Caca is one of his first words Lol~

Btw she has tagged me with a task...It is a Photo Challenge which requires me to List down 10 things that i have been doing for the last three months and in each picture requires me to wear Pink so that to verify that i am afterall STRIKINGINPINK...

Cliche' as it sounds i have to obliged and will come out with the Photo Challenge thingy soonish...Peeps stay tuned~


Caca on 21 August 2010 at 20:12 said...

Yeah, i have assigned you long enough..errr another one; show me whats in your handbag...(never spy into it, just curious though!!!!

Baby Ammar called me caca, where did he learn it from?

lara said...

kakcaca has to do the handbag tag too :D

and and, comel nya Ammar Subhanallah


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Girl Illustration Copyrighted to Dapino Colada