Friday, 13 August 2010

The New Life~

My Iddah phase has ended like a few weeks ago.During my observation of Iddah, a lot of ppl came to me and ask what i've been up to during that phase. For me, it's been not at all a Walk in the Park but also during that Phase,nobody really know i am going through it unless you need to wear any kindda 'tag' to acknowledge that to everyone but one thing for sure is that Life surely must go on. I need to move on with my life and inculcate all the religious values and strive to become a better muslim everyday,with Allah's leave.

A lot of my friends didn't know about it,except for the really close ones and of course my families. Some came with surprises look, as
they didn't expect it at all and some got the nerve to ask some lame questions, like ''he cheated on you huh" i'm like what? and even some person from the office whom i just bump into at the toilet that have known the news through the grapevine, (eventho she's from different division,but obviously government ladies love to talk esp about malicious rumours) suddenly give me advice to find bachelors and never go for someone's husband. Omg!!! Please Get a life!!! I'm not even ready to start dating yet and to think of finding a replacement,no not just yet ~Besides,getting back to single is not bad at all.

Only Allah have all the reasons for all the things that happens in my life as it is inscribed in the Book of Decrees (al-lawh al Mahfuz"),before we bring it into existence. I have a positive outlook in life and surely will be stronger and try to overcome any pessimist i met during this turmoil i am facing. As you know what they said that "You never know how strong you are,Until Being strong is the only choice you have"...

Here i would like to acknowledge my Special Gratitude to All my Friends whom have been there for me, hearing me rant over and over again during that time i was sinking rock bottom...You all know who you are. I am
very blessed to have all of you as my friends. My Heartfelt Thank you to all of you from the bottom of my heart.

Let's just hope that :

"Soon the Flowers will bloom, Grief will depart and Happiness will Prevail"

as at the end of the day, all i want is to be Happy~


Caca on 15 August 2010 at 08:17 said...

Gurl, you seems so much stronger and undeniably happier~ You go gurl!!!

Sweetiepink-couture on 15 August 2010 at 17:46 said...

Thank you sis!!! It means a lot to me~


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