Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Setiawangsa Parliment Open House~

As Eid has finally come to an end,Setiawangsa Parliment has hosted it's Open House and being a Puteri Umno Member there (i signed up there cuz i used to stay in Tmn Keramat Area) i tagged along with my Bestie,Nieta whom is active participating in Puteri Umno activites. Political Arena is so not my scene,but it would be great to be able to meet up with representative of our Parliament up close.

All of us with Datuk Seri ZulHasnan Rafique

with Datuk Seri Zulhasnan Rafique's wife, Datin Siti Nooriah Anna Razak

with the Beautiful Pandan Indah Puteri Representative,Zahida binti Zarik Khan (she is also the Health Bureau in V.O.G.U.E.)

taking piccas at the VVIP Room

PU3 Umno ladies with a Pemuda,hehe



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