Greed and faith can never co-exist in the human heart
Source: An-Nasa’i, on the Authority of Abu Hurayrah
I am in love with my faith, Islam and could not think of living without my faith! Life and faith is the biggest gift Allah the Exalted could endow upon a person!! How thankful we should be, as Muslims.
Do you know that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world? In Europe, France has the biggest reverts to Islam! Most of the people who adorn the burqa are indeed Muslim reverts! Subhanallah :) (Thanks to my lil' sis for this fact! Hehe~)
I cannot think of living my life without syariat and Islamic law. Rasulullah's influence is so wide that it made a seismic impact on even European law!
In business, there are also laws and rules. Some people need excess money to live happily, for me, the love and support from my family, friends and especially Allah Almighty would suffice . Greed is something that is despised largely by Allah.
This notion has been widely reiterated by numerous Hadith Qudsi.
On the authority of Jabir ibn Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him, who narrated that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said, “Guard yourself from oppression, for oppression will be darkness on the Day of Resurrection. Guard yourself from greed, for greed destroyed those before you. It caused them to shed blood and to make lawful what was unlawful.”
[Sahih Muslim, Book of Righteousness, #6576, Sahih-authentic]
Secondly, what are its signs?
The only time a human is supposed to be greedy is when he makes du'a to Allah for His Blessings!
In Islam, as we have learned in the most basic level of Pendidikan Islam and even in SPM (hehe..) when a buyer already commits a confirmation or an agreement with the seller, the rezeki is already constituted as the hak of the very seller. Maybe in the endeavour of chasing worldy affluence, one tend to forget.
Here is an analogy my sister conjured up:
In a souk, there are two apple merchants. Merchant A is more established and had a bigger shop as opposed to Merchant B who had just recently inaugurated his business.
A man came to the souk and went to Merchant A. Merchant A relentlessly tried to sell the apples to the man, the man constantly refused to purchase from Merchant A.
The kind man subsequently browsed the apples at Merchant B, and fell in love with the kindness and affability of Merchant B. Perhaps Merchant B is the better marketer than Merchant A, Wallahualam. The kind man immediately feels like purchasing the apples from Merchant B. He also thought of asking Merchant B to supply the apples to his restaurant.
"Merchant B, I would like to purchase 10 apples from you. I would also love it if you could supply apples monthly to my restaurant in the city."
"Alhamdulillah," says Merchant B. "I shall take the apples for you and I will supply the apples monthly to your restaurant."
Merchant B and the man shook hands on the agreement.
What you witness here is an agreement or an akad. When the seller and the buyer has reached a mutual agreement, it is constituted as an akad and the seller already has his rights on the business. The business is now the right or hak of that very seller, and other sellers who want to snatch the business is doing something haram by Islamic law. (Courtesy of my brother, the Fiqah Ustaz! Hehe..)
While Merchant B went to prepare the apples for the kind man, Merchant A went to the kind man and started badmouthing Merchant B.
"Why would you purchase the apples from Merchant B? Look at his cheap clothes and his small shop. Mine is so much bigger than his shop. Merchant B might not be as good as I am, that is why his shop is not as big mine! I am a much more established seller. Why would you jeapordise your money with such a feeble seller?"
The kind man got scared and immediately switched his business due to Merchant A's poisonous words.
What Merchant A is doing is haram according to Islamic law.
This is a reminder to me and also everybody who is dabbling in business ;) You might acquire money when you commit something haram, but Allah is always just in His doing!
I might want to be successful in my business, but I promise to Allah that I will never ever let greed outshadow my faith and make me commit unlawful and haram things just for the sake of money! :) When a person commits something haram and the money is haram, the food and things that they feed their children is haram too. Maybe people overlooked that fact.
Ya Allah, please protect my family and I from greed that leads to doing haram things Ya Allah, Amine.
I know patience will bring me so much further in life and I shall attain many hasanah while greed and excessive love of duny will only attract Allah's wrath. (Naudzubillahiminzalik)
Do you know that in Quran, patience is referred to as Sabrun Jameel, which means beautiful patience. In order for one to be beautiful, she has to be patient :)
Insha Allah, ~Ameen~
Yes insyallah..
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