It's not a Good thing, i know...But it is already written in decree (al-qada' wal qadar)...I have no choice but to accept it...May Allah The Most Glorious and Most Merciful grant me with strength to go through a new chapter of my Life...
Insya Allah!!!
Wise words of advise:
"Turn your losses into gains"
Do not despair if your feet stumble and you fall into a big hole. You will come out of it STRONGER than before. and Allah, the Almighty, is with those who are Patient~
Do not grieve if you recieve a fatal arrow from one of those who are closest to your Heart, for you will find someone to pull out the arrow,
Treat the Wound and bring back to your life and Smile :) ♥ ~ Insya Allah!!
There is one dewa19 song that suits your last line kak, the title is "Hadapi Dengan Senyuman". For what ever reason it is, everything happen for a reason and only Allah knows the best for us. InsyaAllah.
Bahahahhahaha! Peter Griffin comments on your blog and listens to Dewa 19 :))
And pls don't call kmimie kak pleaseeee teheee she looks like a teenager now! And a LOT happier too.
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